We interrupt the regularly scheduled Friday Favorites to bring you . . . something new! I’m experimenting with a new content schedule for TheKaiZone, aimed at bringing the community a wider range of information that (hopefully) you will not find anywhere else in the wide world of Lean blogs. As part of the changes, TheKaiZone Friday Favorites will now be posted on a biweekly basis – which should strengthen the quality of the curated articles significantly – with two new features filling the week-ending voids.
The first change to the Friday lineup is the Recommended Reading series brought to you by The Lean Book Shop. Think book reviews, without all the fodder. The posts are not meant to be full-fledged book reviews; I let the critiques to the experts (but will provide associated links in case you are interested in that sort of thing). Recommended Reading will present a concise summary of the key themes and concepts in the selected text, as well as the key learning points that will contribute to your Lean journey.
The books that I review will fall into two distinct categories. First, I intend to keep you up-to-date and informed of all the new releases within the world of Lean and continuous improvement publications. And second, I will highlight books that I believe you will find useful on your journey, but which may not necessarily be written directly about Lean-related topics. As the tag line to the Lean Book Shop says, Recommended Reading is dedicated to the continuous improvement . . . of you!
So, without further ado, I present the first post in the Recommended Reading series: